The 190 program is open to those who are on the Critical Skills Occupation list. The new round of invitations is expected to occur on or before 23 October 2020.
Northern Territory State Nomination Update (Oct 2020)
At this stage, onshore General Skilled Migration (GSM) nomination applications and all Business
Investment and Innovation Program nomination applications will continue to be accepted and
assessed, but no nominations can be issued until the Northern Territory has been allocated quotas.
Offshore GSM nomination applications remain closed.
Queensland State Nomination Update (Oct 2020)
At present, the BSMQ program remains closed until such time that the allocations are finalised by the Federal government.
Further announcements are expected shortly.
Western Australia State Nomination Update (Oct 2020)
The 190 programe is currently suspended and is expected to re-open in October.
No further details are available at this stage.
Tasmania State Nomination Update (Oct 2020)
Tasmania will continue to operate using the interim occupations which are available. Further occupations are expected to be announced in due course.